OSAS English Language Arts and Math
The Oregon Statewide Assessment System is a valid, fair, equitable and reliable approach to student assessment that provides educators, students and parents meaningful results with actionable data to help students succeed. This system, aligned to Common Core State Standards, consists of three major components, all designed to improve teaching and learning.
These summative assessments assist students’ progress toward college and career readiness in English language arts/literacy and math. They are given near the end of the school year and consist of two parts: a computer adaptive test and a performance task.
The summative assessments:
Accurately describe both student achievement (how much students know at the end of the year) and student growth (how much students have improved since the previous year) to inform program evaluation and school, district, and state accountability systems
Include writing at every grade and ask students to solve multi-step, real-world problems in mathematics
Capitalize on the strengths of computer adaptive testing: efficient and precise measurement with a quick turnaround of results.
Oregon adopted the Common Core State Standards in 2010, replacing our previous state standards in math and language arts (OAKS). The state's standards in math and language arts changed and the statewide assessments of student learning had to change as well. In 2015, Oregon's previous assessments of math, reading and writing were replaced. The new assessments were developed by the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium. The consortium consists of Oregon and 20 other states.
More than 220 colleges and universities have agreed to use results of the high school summative assessments as evidence of student readiness for entry-level, credit-bearing courses.
Oregon statewide assessments are administered annually to students in grades 3–8 and 11.
The 2019-2020 Assessment window for grades 3 – 12 opens January 7 and ends June 5. Your child’s school will keep you apprised of test dates.
For assessment opt out information, CLICK HERE.