School Nurse and Student Health
District Nurse:
Erin Hope Sholty, RN | 541-482-1611 Ext. 3105
When is my child too sick to go to school?
A child who is sick will not be able to perform well in school and is likely to spread the illness to other children and staff. We suggest making a plan for childcare ahead of time so you will not be caught without a comforting place for your child to stay if he/she is ill. Some of the following are guidelines from the Oregon Department of Education:
You should not send your child to school if he/she has:
Fever in the past 24 hours, >100.4 - Your child must be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication prior to returning to school.
Vomiting in the past 24 hours-Your child should be symptom free for 24 hours without the use of medication prior to returning to school.
Diarrhea in the past 24 hours, (with or without fever)-Your child should be symptom free for 24 hours without the use of medication prior to returning to school.
Any undiagnosed rash with or without fever
Stiff neck or headache with fever
Unusual behavior change, such as irritability, lethargy, or somnolence
Jaundice (yellow color of the skin or eyes)
Skin lesions that are “weepy” (fluid or pus filled)
Colored drainage from eyes
Brown/green drainage from nose with fever >100.4.
Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath; new onset cough -MAY RETURN AFTER symptom-free for 24 hours (no cough or cough is well- controlled) AND per guidance for primary COVID-19 symptoms.
Loss of taste or smell
Strep Throat (must have been taking an antibiotic for at least 24 hours before returning to school)
Head lice –If your child has live lice, they should be treated with an appropriate “lice killing” shampoo/product prior to returning to school. Your child may return when all live lice are eliminated. Please notify the school office if you have found/treated your child for lice. All information is kept confidential and the school has a process in place to follow.
Symptoms or complaints that prevent the student from participating in his/her usual school activities, such as a persistent cough, with or without presence of fever or the student requires more care than the school can safely provide.
Please note that as new information is gained regarding Covid-19, the Guidelines are updated by the Oregon Health Authority and the Oregon Department of Education. Covid-19 Guidelines will over-ride the general illness guidelines if they are not in alignment at any time.
Immunization Information
Schools are required by Oregon law to monitor immunizations among students. To view Ashland School District immunization rates, CLICK HERE.
The decision to immunize is a parent/guardian’s choice. Your decision affects not only the health of your child, but also the rest of your family, the health of your child’s friends, & their families, classmates, neighbors, & community. Immunizations serve to protect children against significant and debilitating diseases that can result in permanent disabilities and in some cases, death. Due to the potential gravity of consequences in the event of an outbreak, we want you to make the most informed choices you can for your child. While state laws provide for non-medical exemptions, concerned parents/guardians should still consider the consequences of not immunizing their children.
For Information on Oregon Immunization Requirements for School and Child Care, CLICK HERE.
For Information on SB 895, CLICK HERE.
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia & CDC
Center for Disease Control (CDC) vaccine safety