Aligning Vision: Strategic Plan, Annual Board and Superintendent Goals
Board Goals 2022 - 2023
Following the Board’s self-evaluation in 2022, role modeling a culture of reflection and improvement, paralleling the Superintendent evaluation and annual goals, and tied to our Strategic Plan, the ASD Board proposes the following goals for 2022-23.
Leadership, Mission, Vision and Goals
As part of the regular review of the Mission, Vision and Goals of the District, the Board will establish an “Innovation Committee”1 composed of a representative group of district stakeholders to brainstorm, think “outside the box”, and propose creative ideas for future consideration.
By Dec 2022, the Board will establish leadership, structure and overall goals of this Board committee.
By early 2023, the Board will have engaged district stakeholders in the Innovation Committee.
By 6/30/23, the Board director liaison to the Innovation Committee will update the Board on the committee’s progress to date and make recommendations for next steps.
The Board will streamline its evaluation process and procedures for the next Superintendent evaluation cycle.
Before deployment in early 2023, the Board will revise the various employee surveys for brevity and succinctness.
The Board will complete the evaluation process in a timely manner.

Community Relations
The Board will increase visibility and engagement with the ASD community.
Throughout 2022-23, the Board will seek to increase community engagement opportunities (forums, increased committee participation, coffee with a Board member, etc.)
The Board will utilize social and traditional media to increase communication to the Ashland community (videos on the website, building relationships with local media, increasing Facebook usage, etc.)
Board Systematic Improvement
The Board will increase its equity lens and related competencies by participating in EDI training.
The Board will complete the 2-day Taking It Up Training. [Completed: All board directors have completed the Taking It Up Training as of September 2022]
The Board will continue with Board-specific training opportunities offered by OSBA.
The entire Board will participate in the OSBA Annual Conference in November 2022 in Portland, OR.[1]
[1] Not the final name for this board committee.

Superintendent Goal Areas 2022-2023
Supporting Strategic Goal 1
Improve Student Achievement: 93% graduation by 2025
Superintendent SMART Goal 1: Increase percentage of on-time graduation and 5-year completer rates over 2021-2022 baseline in race and ethnicity groups to levels comparable to the total population of graduates and completers. Indicator: Final 2023 graduation and completer numbers in state report card system. Final data available November 2023.

Supporting Strategic Goal 2
Increase the Recruitment and Retention of high-quality and culturally diverse staff: The cultural diversity of our staff will match the cultural diversity of our students by 2025.
Superintendent SMART Goal 2: Promote and sustain a positive District culture through relationship building and visible, visionary leadership.
Indicators: Increase by 3% over the 21-22 baseline the percentage of staff positive responses in Relationships and Culture section of the YouthTruth District Synthesis Report over Spring 2022 baseline.
Incorporate feedback from superintendent survey to inform strategies and deliverables.
Supporting Strategic Goal 3
Create and maintain a safe, welcoming, supportive, and inclusive environment for all students and staff: Students and staff will report a “welcoming, supportive, and inclusive environment” by 2025.
Superintendent SMART Goal 3: Promote and sustain a positive District student culture through visible, visionary leadership and community engagement. Indicator(s): 1) Increase by 3% over the 21-22 baseline the percentage of student positive responses in Relationships and Culture section of YouthTruth District Synthesis Report over Spring 2022 baseline. 2) Greater than 50% positive community engagement process feedback (multiple).

Click the image to see our district strategic plan
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