& Inclusion

To eliminate the predictive correlation between student demographics and student academic success, we must use our equity lens in our decision-making processes at our school sites and district.
As you make decisions to support your work, please ask the following questions:
Constituents: Who are the different groups of people __ would affect? Have they been meaningfully engaged? Who has been missed?
Purpose: What are we trying to achieve with __? How would it reduce disparities and advance equity and inclusion? Are there better ways to do this?
Inequities: Would __ effect different groups differently? If so, in what ways? If we don’t know, how could we find out?
Negative Effects: How could __ be bad for different groups? What could we do to prevent or reduce negative effects and unintended consequences?
Positive Effects: How could __ be good for different groups? What could we change or add to increase positive effects on equity and inclusion?
Root Causes: How would __ affect some groups unequally? What could __ do to address these root causes?
Sustainability: Is __ realistic and adequately funded? Does it have what it needs to be successful?
Evaluation: How do we measure __’s success? How can we share that information with people?
Additional Resources
School EDI Plans
ASD Statements & Resolutions
Guidance for Families and Educators When Responding to Racial Incidents
Click here for a printable PDF version of this text.
1. Be mindful of or limit media exposure, and encourage older students to do so as well.
Graphic images depicted through news and social media are especially upsetting to children and teens.
Be mindful of what you and other adults discuss and model in front children. Children are much more aware than we think.
The more graphic visual coverage children are exposed to, the more likely they are to experience anxiety, fear, and trauma.
2. Talk with kids about racism, white supremacy, and the really hard things.
You don’t have to have all the answers or be an expert to have a conversation.
Ask children and teens about their thoughts, feelings, fears, concerns, and perspectives on what they have seen or heard.
Be concrete. Don't give more information than they can handle. Correct any misunderstandings or confusion.
Be available to reassure them of their safety and of plans to keep them safe.
Focus on the unfairness. Highlight examples of resistance and of allies and accomplices.
Emphasize the agency of the people who are oppressed. This gives kids hope and examples.
3. Educate Yourself
In order to best guide your children and teens, you must engage and take responsibility for your own learning.
There is no checklist for addressing systemic racism and oppression. There is no “one size fits all” remedy or handbook to become more racially informed and aware.
Seek out and read BIPOC-authored articles and books.
4. Support your BIPOC community
Listen to BIPOC voices. Believe their experiences.
Educate yourself on white privilege, white fragility, and white savior complex.
Do not rely on your BIPOC friends or family to educate you. Equity work takes emotional and mental labor. It is not the responsibility of the oppressed to educate the oppressor or privileged.
Ally is a verb. Leave it to BIPOC to refer to your actions as those of an ally or an accomplice. If you want to be an ally, get to work!
Further Resources:
Resources for talking about race, racism, and racialized violence with kids
Your Kids Aren't Too Young to Talk About Race: Resource Roundup
Developed May 2020 Becca Laroi and Tiffany Burns, utilizing these resources:
Tips for parents on media coverage National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Talking Race with Young Children NPR, Sesame Workshop, & author Beverly Daniel Tatum