Learn More
Ashland School District knows that good citizenship and healthy sexual boundaries do not occur over night. Developmentally appropriate education around these issues is critical for all ages from kindergarten through senior year. In fact, this type of program is required by Oregon law as a part of human sexuality education under OAR 581-022-1440, and through related Oregon statutes and regulations including "Erin's Law," ORS 339.400.
Ashland School District's Title IX and Sexual Harassment Compliance Plan
Erin's Law
Erin's law went into effect in Oregon this year and is a positive extension of the existing statute that requires a comprehensive sexuality education and abuse prevention program. Erin's law requires four hours annually of sexual abuse prevention at all grade levels, as well as staff education and information for parents.
District Awareness
For more about how Ashland School District provides instruction focusing on sexuality education, HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections and disease prevention in elementary and secondary schools as an integral part of health education and other subjects, CLICK HERE.
Department of Education Q and A on Title IX and Sexual Violence
In responding to requests for technical assistance, OCR has determined that elementary and secondary schools and postsecondary institutions would benefit from additional guidance concerning their obligations under Title IX to address sexual violence as a form of sexual harassment. The following questions and answers further clarify the legal requirements and guidance articulated in the DCL and the 2001 Guidance and include examples of proactive efforts schools can take to prevent sexual violence and remedies schools may use to end such conduct, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects. In order to gain a complete understanding of these legal requirements and recommendations, this document should be read in full.