K1 Dyslexia
Universal Screening for Dyslexia in Ashland Schools FAQ
Oregon law requires school districts to screen all kindergarten and new first grade students for reading difficulties and risk factors for dyslexia, a reading disorder [ORS 326.726], and requires districts to have staff trained in identifying dyslexia risk factors [OARs 581-002-1800, 581-002-1805, 581-022-2440, 581-002-1810].
What is dyslexia?
Dyslexia is a general term for disorders that involve difficulty in learning to read or interpret words, letters, and other symbols, but that do not affect general intelligence.
Can a school district diagnose dyslexia?
School districts do not diagnose dyslexia, but can identify risk factors and design instructional interventions for students that are at-risk for dyslexia or other reading difficulty or disorders. Currently, the only treatment for dyslexia is high quality reading instruction.
What is required of school districts in Oregon?
Universal screening for dyslexia and other reading risk factors in kindergarten and for new students in 1st grade
Train a regular K5 classroom teacher to understand and recognize risk factors at each grade level
Communicate early and often to parents around reading progress and if their child is showing risk factors
Invite parents to meetings, such as conferences, where input regarding reading instruction can be provided and obtained for children at-risk
Provide systematic, explicit and evidence-based instruction for students that are at-risk
Notify parents of interventions beyond the regular classroom
How does the Ashland School District screen for reading difficulty and dyslexia risk factors?
In addition to classroom curriculum measures, Ashland School District universally screens all students K5 in math and reading at fall, winter and spring benchmarks each year.
The school data team regularly reviews reading benchmarks for all students and will schedule an individual Child Study Team meeting for students determined to be at-risk. Parent/guardians are invited to attend.
What does the screening assess at K1?
Phonological Awareness Letter Sound Correspondence
Rapid Naming Skills Nonsense Word Fluency
And for students that demonstrate risk factors above, a Family History of Reading Difficulty
How are parents notified of their child’s progress in reading and any risk factors?
At the Fall conference, parent/guardians of students with risk factors who are identified as in need of additional support in reading will receive a letter notifying them that their child is receiving supports from a Title I reading specialist. At Fall conferences, all parents will receive a benchmark score report showing how their child did on the District’s universal screening for reading and math. Parents of students that are also receiving Title I supports will receive an additional report reflecting progress over time.
Benchmark reports and progress monitoring from the specialist also occur after Winter and Spring benchmark screening is complete.
How does the District address reading needs in K1?
Beyond screening, all students are provided with high quality, explicit instruction in the early literacy skills students need to become proficient decoders. These skills include phonological awareness (the auditory skills of being able to identify and manipulate the sounds in words), letter sound correspondence, sound blending, whole word reading, and sight word reading. These foundational skills make it possible for students to begin to become fluent readers, which we know strongly influences the ability to comprehend what is being read.
Where do I go if I have questions?
Talk with your child’s teacher or building principal.
Resources for parents and teachers.
Oregon Dyslexia Requirements
Oregon Dyslexia Resources for Schools