Information about InterDistrict Transfers
In the 2019-20 school year, the original Oregon statute allowing Open Enrollment ended. Oregon now requires that all students first be released from their resident district prior to being considered for enrollment by a non-resident district.
InterDistrict Transfer applications into and out of Ashland School District may be submitted after April 1st of each school year for the coming school year through September 30 of that year.
How can I request a traditional inter-district transfer INTO Ashland School District?
Step 1: Contact your resident school district and request an InterDistrict Transfer release to apply to Ashland School District. When a resident district approves a release, they will send the approval paperwork to you, as well as Ashland School District.
Step 2: If approved, complete, sign and submit an InterDistrict Transfer Request to Ashland School District. Completed forms can be submitted via email to or via regular mail or in person to 885 Siskiyou Blvd.
Additional Information:
In order to ensure that we have the most accurate enrollment numbers for next school year, determinations about incoming InterDistrict Transfers are not made until most Ashland resident students have completed the registration process in August. The Assistant Superintendent will then review enrollment numbers and determine how many, if any, openings we have at each grade level. You will be contacted in late August, typically the week before school starts, about the decision for your InterDistrict transfer request.Requests and determinations will be based on the priority order below:
Resident Displaced Students - Families who were displaced as a result of insufficient space at their neighborhood school when they enrolled
Resident Zone Transfer - Continuing resident students who move to a different neighborhood school boundary, but wants to remain in current school
Resident Zone Transfer - Incoming new students with a continuing sibling
Resident Zone Transfer - New to district resident students
Non-Resident InterDistrict Transfer - Continuing students
Non-Resident InterDistrict Transfer - New to district students who are siblings of continuing students
Non-Resident InterDistrict Transfer - New to district students
If my child's InterDistrict Transfer request is approved, do we need to re-apply each year?
No. Once the InterDistrict transfer is approved, the student be comes an Ashland School District student through 12th grade, provided they maintain positive grades, attendance and behavior (as outlined in the InterDistrict Transfer Agreement). If at any point your student enrolls in another public school or private school outside of the Ashland School District boundaries, the InterDistrict Transfer is voided and they must re-apply prior to re-enrolling.
How can I request a traditional inter-district transfer to be RELEASED from Ashland School District?
Step 1: Complete, sign and submit an InterDistrict Transfer Request to Ashland School District. Completed forms can be submitted via email to or via regular mail or in person to 885 Siskiyou Blvd.
Step 2: The Assistant Superintendent will review the application.
If approved, you will receive an email notification of the approval and we will notify the receiving district. An approved release from Ashland School District does not guarantee enrollment in the receiving district. Once released, you then follow up with the receiving district for next steps for application into the receiving district.
If denied, you will receive a phone notification with more information about the basis for denial.
Moving from Ashland to another city and want to continue attending school in Ashland?
Mid-Year Move Out
By state law, your child may continue to attend an Ashland School through the remainder of the school year in which you move. The following forms must be completed and turned in to your child's school within 10 days of moving out of district.
Residency Verification Form (for more information on verifying residency, CLICK HERE)
To continue attending an Ashland School beyond the current school year, you must apply for an InterDistrict Transfer, after April 1st, by following the directions above.
Mid-Summer Move Out
Summer move outs may continue to attend an Ashland School through the remainder of the upcoming school year. The following forms must be completed and turned in to your child's school within 10 days of moving out of district.
Residency Verification Form (for more information on verifying residency, CLICK HERE)
To continue attending an Ashland School beyond the upcoming school year, you must apply for an InterDistrict Transfer, after April 1st, by following the directions above.