Information for Ashland Residents on Zone Transfers and Elementary & K-8 School Choice
Ashland School District has three neighborhood K-5 elementary schools: Bellview, Helman and Walker Elementary Schools.
Each school serves approximately 230-270 students. The schools have staffing and programs, including English Language Learner (ELL) programs, Title I programs, Counseling & Behavior Health, PE, Music and Special Education services.
In most cases, students attend school at a small elementary in their neighborhood. From time to time, parents have an interest in changing schools. For more information on Ashland School District's 'parent choice' programs, CLICK HERE. For more information about attending a school other than your neighborhood school, see below.
K8 PROGRAMS: Trails Outdoor School, Willow Wind Community Learning Center and Ashland Connect at Trails
Enrollment in our K-8 'parent choice' programs is done through an application process. Prior to the open application period, (usually mid-March) you will receive an "Intent to Return" form from you current school. Please indicate on this form that you are applying to one of our K-8 programs on this form.
Open application periods for our brick and mortor K-8 'parent choice' programs are typically mid February through the end of March. Our online 'parent choice' program, Ashland Connect at Trails, accepts applications on an ongoing basis. If there are more applications than space available, a lottery will be held for each available space.
For specific application information for each K-8 school program, click on the school link below:
NEIGHBORHOOD ELEMENTARIES: Bellveiw, Helman and Walker
Current family who moved mid-school year to another neighborhood school zone and wants to remain at your current school?
To remain at your current neighborhood school, you must complete the Zone Transfer Request form and submit to your current school office.
New to the district or a current family who wants to be considered for enrollment at a different neighborhood school than the your assigned neighborhood school for the upcoming school year?
STEP 1: Prior to the open application period, (usually mid-March) you will receive an "Intent to Return" form from you current school. Please indicate on this form that you would like to attend another neighborhood school on this form.
STEP 2: To be considered for a zone transfer to another neighborhood elementary for the following school year, you must complete the Zone Transfer Request form and submit to your current school office.
STEP 3: Attending/neighborhood school principal adds recommendation and forwards to desired school.
STEP 4: Principal of desired school adds recommendation and forwards to Student Services.
STEP 5: Final determination made by Assistant Superintendent
TRANSFER PLACEMENT PROCESS (InterDistrict & Zone Transfers)
In order to ensure that we have the most accurate enrollment numbers for next school year, determinations about incoming Inter-District Transfers are not made until most Ashland resident students have completed the registration process in August. The Assistant Superintendent will then review enrollment numbers and determine how many, if any, openings we have at each grade level. You will be contacted in late August, typically the week before school starts, about the decision for your Zone Transfer request.
Requests and determinations will be based on the priority order below:
Resident Displaced Students - Families who were displaced as a result of insufficient space at their neighborhood school when they enrolled
Resident Zone Transfer - Continuing resident students who move to a different neighborhood school boundary, but wants to remain in current school
Resident Zone Transfer - Incoming new students with a continuing sibling
Resident Zone Transfer - New to district resident students
Non-Resident InterDistrict Transfer - Continuing students
Non-Resident InterDistrict Transfer - New to district students who are siblings of continuing students
Non-Resident InterDistrict Transfer - New to district students
If a family moves to another Ashland neighborhood school zone and wants to continue at their current school, they must complete Steps 1-4 above and the student will be approved to remain at their original school of enrollment, so long as they remain Ashland residents, through 5th grade. Families must complete the Residency Verification Form and turn it in to their child's school within 10 days of moving. For more in formation on Verification of Residency, CLICK HERE.
If a family moves to another Ashland neighborhood school zone and wants to enroll in the school in their new neighborhood, notify your current school office with your move date and a start date at the new school will be determined.
A family who moves outside of Ashland School District, becomes a non-residents. State law requires the family complete the InterDistrict Transfer Mid-Year Move process. For more information about that process, CLICK HERE.
The neighborhood school may refer new resident students that enroll after the first day of school to Student Services if classes are passed their target size or if there is an inbalance of students in same grade classrooms across the district.
Student Services may assign a student to a non-neighborhood school. Those students will be given priority for returning to their neighborhood schools if requested for the following year.
For more information on this process, CLICK HERE.
School change requests that are received after August 15 for the upcoming school year are considered Middle of Year School Transfer requests. Transfers are discouraged after the start of the school year. Mid-year requests will not be considered after September 30th unless they meet a hardship review. Considerations for approval/denial include, balance of class sizes across the district, residency change, hardship.
STEP 1: Complete the Zone Transfer Request form and submit to the school office you are attending (or neighborhood school, if you are a non-enrolled home-schooler). Not sure of your neighborhood school, CLICK HERE.
STEP 2: Attending/neighborhood school principal adds recommendation and forwards to desired school.
STEP 3: Principal of desired school adds recommendation and forwards to Student Services.
STEP 4: Final determination made by Assistant Superintendent