Immunization Rates
Senate Bill 895 requires that school and children’s facilities publish immunization and exemption rates twice annually, on or around October 1st and within one month of “exclusion day”* which is typically the third week of February. Ashland School’s immunization rates will be published here. Print copies are available on request at the District office at 885 Siskiyou Blvd., Ashland, OR 97520
* Exclusion day is the day that the Oregon Health Department determines is the last day parents may provide proof of immunity, vaccination or exemption certification before their child is excluded from attending public school.
For Information on Oregon Immunization Requirements for School and Child Care, CLICK HERE.
For Information on SB 895, CLICK HERE.
Ashland School District Immunization Information (updated May 2024)
Jackson County Immunization Information (updated May 2024)
To see a current map of schools and child care immunization numbers throughout Oregon CLICK HERE and select the county you wish to view.