Seeing Color
This year the upper school has been devoting a Monday afternoon class to community building and the study of immigration and migration in relation to their social studies classes and service-learning project. Students have studied how race, economics and prejudice affect any- thing from the Syrian crisis on the world stage, to the crisis on our boarders, and even closer to home with the challenges of immigrants and migrant workers in the Rogue Valley. This yearlong focus will help fuel the knowledge base for our upper school inquiry projects and has helped create opportunities for genuine service learning. In addition to helping to facilitate very successful food and clothing drives, the upper school had the chance to participate in a broader discussion last week at the Seeing Color event held at the Inn at the Commons in Medford. The event included six local people of diverse backgrounds who shared their experiences living in the Rogue Valley. This event offered a way for way for our students to listen to and connect with people and their experiences of race and immigration in our valley.