Inquiry Forms

Families interested in enrolling at Willow Wind must complete and submit an Inquiry & Wait List Form prior to meeting with the program administrator.

Inquiry Forms must be submitted by April 8th to be included in the lottery for fall enrollment. Willow Wind will continue to accept Inquiry Forms after that date, but enrollment will be on a space available basis after the lottery.

If a family is planning to request early or late enrollment, these processes must be completed before the date of the lottery.

Please make sure to read the document, Willow Wind Enrollment Procedures which is here on the website or in the office so you understand the process.  You are welcome to call with questions: 541-488-2684.

Willow Wind will continue to accept inquiry forms throughout the spring, summer and fall and will fill available openings based on the date received. A waiting list will be maintained if grades are fully enrolled.

Families may submit an inquiry form for enrollment up to one year in advance of participation (ASD Policy IBDJA). Teachers may also refer students for enrollment consideration.

For additional information on the Inquiry Process, CLICK HERE.

For additional information on enrollment criteria, CLICK HERE.

Drop off, mail, or email completed Inquiry Forms to:
          Willow Wind Community Learning Center
          1497 E. Main St.
          Ashland, Oregon 97520