Seasonal Festivals
Festivals and seasonal celebrations serve as milestones of the passing year. Through our festivals at Willow Wind, we build and strengthen community, establish a yearly rhythm for the children, and recognize the importance of the natural rhythm of life linked to the seasons. We welcome each season with joy!
Fall Pumpkin Festival
Winter Winter Faire
Spring May Day
Summer June Workshops
Passport to Learning
Let's Celebrate! Our final community event of the school year is an exciting culmination of our efforts, with displays of student work and presentations of 8th grade Inquiry and Portfolio Projects. As we gather to celebrate the completion of another year at Willow Wind, families are encouraged to bring a picnic dinner, visit the classroom displays, and observe the presentations. Our students moving on to high school are honored, and the community has a chance to tell them good-bye as they get ready to continue their education. Yearbooks are also distributed at this event.

Pi Day
Pi day is a day to celebrate mathematics. Pi is used in mathematics to represent a constant - the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter - which is approximately 3.14159. Students participated in pi-related activities and even enjoyed a piece of "pi" (pie) to celebrate the day. Thank you to all of the families that donated store-bough pies for this event! Watch the newsletter and the Friday Note emails for announcements regarding future Pi Day celebrations.

May Day
Help us celebrate May Day on May 1. This yearly community event is a celebration of the return of spring to our beautiful campus. Festivities begin with students and families gathering to picnic on the back lawn and make May crowns. Next, the May Dance will begin, followed by field day activities, crafts, face painting, and games. All afternoon classes are canceled so that everyone in the Willow Wind Community can participate in this wonderful celebration. Volunteers are always needed for field day stations, craft booths, May crown construction, clean up, and gathering flower donations prior to the event. Volunteer hours count towards the family service requirement. Don't forget to bring flowers from your garden or yard to add to the May crowns!

Winter Faire
This year's Winter Faire takes place on the Willow Wind campus in mid December each year. This is a chance to come together and celebrate the season. Winter Faire is one of Willow Wind's favorite events. Come and enjoy COMMUNITY, CRAFTS, ENTERTAINMENT, FOOD, and FUN! Please bring cookies or other finger foods to share, and join us for a wonderful time. Volunteers are always needed and this is a great way to complete family service hours. Please contact the school office for more information.
Pumpkin Festival
The annual Pumpkin Festival is scheduled for Thursday, October 29, 2018. Wear a costume, bring a pumpkin to carve, have your face painted, play games, and have FUN, FUN, FUN! Family service volunteers designated to assist with the festival will be contacted and receive an assignment. Afternoon classes will be canceled so that everyone can join in the fun. Please remember - no masks or scary costumes!

Each fall and spring term, performances are held by the Willow Wind dance, theater, and music classes. Additionally, parent volunteers assist students in presenting a yearly Talent Show. These performances provide an opportunity for teachers and students to share their learning and talents with the community. Performances are often held in the Willow Wind Barn, or on other campuses to accommodate the scale of the performance (such as our bi-annual Dance and Music Concerts held each December and May at the AHS Mountain Ave. Theater). All proceeds from performance tickets sales go towards the Mirror and Lights Fund, a special student body account at Willow Wind used to support our performing arts program. Past use of this fund has included the purchase of costumes, props, or set pieces, as well as upgrades to the light and sound systems in our Barn. Please follow the monthly newsletter as well as the Friday Notes emails for information about performance dates, times, and locations.