The Willow Wind property has a large curriculum garden, food forest and greenhouse to support learning for students of all ages. All of the students work in the garden and teachers use these garden areas for all subject areas. Students write in the garden, do math in the garden, read in the food forest and explore.
Each class maintains a garden bed. The students work in the garden or greenhouse each week and experience the changes with the seasons. The older students run a farm stand in the fall – selling organic produce to families. The proceeds from the sales are used to support ongoing garden projects. Winter projects often happen in the greenhouse as students learn about botany and science.
School Gardens help extend the classroom by expanding it outside. Gardening provides students with hands-on learning opportunities while increasing environmental awareness and vital experience in problem-solving.
The Willow Wind gardens also support service learning projects and provide opportunities for students to contribute to the community or others who are in need. Students contribute produce to local food banks and free lunch programs to support community efforts to feed people.