Maslow Project

WordBirds Third Grade Core Class, Spring 2011
Homeless teens Donation Collection for the Maslow Project
In our core class this spring, the WordBirds and I were studying shelters around the world. As a service learning project related to our content study, we adopted a local support agency for homeless children and teens, called the Maslow Project. This agency partners with schools and other agencies in the Rogue Valley to provide food, clothing and hygiene products to children and youth up to the age of 22. The main goal of the Maslow Project is to keep kids in school.
We WordBirds wanted to know what we could do to help. We identified the problem, researched possible solutions including acquiring the wish list for the Maslow Project, and made a choice for our efforts and energy. We decided to focus on Jessica's Closet and made a plan to begin a campus-wide clothing campaign to collect and donate as much new and nearly new clothing as we were able to. In addition, each student made a plan to earn $10 each to purchase hygiene products, socks or underwear to supplement our clothing drive. Each WordBird implemented their plan and were successful in earning their $10, resulting in a great sense of pride for all.
The following photos show that great day when we got to make our donation delivery. First, we loaded the bus. Once we got to the Maslow Project office in Medford I we unloaded the bus, creating a huge pile in their very small reception area. Next, we were given a tour of Jessica's Closet and met several of the staff members in the office. It was a great moment of giving for these generous WordBird students.