Families complete and Inquiry Form (no more than 1 year in advance)
Parents meet with the administrator to discuss the structure of Willow Wind, tour the campus and have an opportunity to ask questions about the program.
After the initial meeting, parents are asked to reflect on their child’s learning style, level of independence, comfort with transitions and multi age interactions. If they feel Willow Wind is a good match for their child, they contact the office to declare their interest in enrolling.
If the student is currently enrolled in the Ashland School District, the administrator will review the available achievement data and contact the student’s current teacher(s) to gather input on the suitability of Willow Wind for the student. If the data and teacher input indicate Willow Wind would serve the student’s needs, they are entered into the lottery. If the data and/or the teacher input uncovers concerns about the environment for the student, then the parents are once again contacted for discussion. Placement is a team decision with input from parents and previous teachers.
All students entering grades 1 – 8 requesting full time enrollment from home schooling or schools outside of the Ashland School District, will complete a skills assessment in the areas of writing, reading and mathematics. Students must score within the range of the existing grade level class in order to qualify for enrollment.
Siblings and current part time students have priority for enrollment if it is determined that Willow Wind is a good placement for their educational needs.
On the day of the lottery, all names are written on pieces of paper and the actual lottery is done at the Student Services Office of the Ashland School District. Names are chosen for enrollment and for an ordered waiting list for back-up in case openings become available over the summer.