Julie Inada has been a fixture at Ashland Middle School and the Ashland School District since 1996—that’s 27 years! Beloved language arts teacher on the Sequoia team, Julie continues to find her joy here at AMS. “I am super grateful for this school. I hear so many stories of teachers who are burnt out and don’t feel supported by their administration. That’s not me! I’ve got to have a whole career here at this amazing place!”
“I still feel solidly committed to teaching reading and writing, and I love the unpredictable, zany interactions with kids. I find their energy so life affirming, I just enjoy being around them. I also like school. I like being a part of school—the books and folders, the lockers, the whole thing. If I could, I would totally be a student again. But being a teacher is the next best thing!”
Born in Chicago and raised in Ashland, Julie is a graduate of the Ashland School District. She married Miles Inada (that’s Julie and Miles at their AHS graduation) in 1993. Their son, Sam, who is currently finishing up his studies at the University of Oregon is also an Ashland High School graduate. In addition to loving reading and writing, Julie loves spending time walking her dog, Neil, and keeping the weeds at bay in her yard.