Summer Programs & Opportunities

2015 Summer Camps
The Ashland Family YMCA offers fun and enriching activities all summer long!
Summer time is fun time at the Ashland Family YMCA! Your child will have a blast, make new friends and learn new skills while in a safe, nurturing environment. Summer after summer kids develop good values and have tons of fun at Y camps. Each camp has its own style and focus, but they all promote having fun, making new friends and building skills. Our staff is carefully selected as positive role models with a sincere interest in every child.
2015 Summer Camp Guide - Includes our easy-to-use grid with every camp we offer by week as well as detailed descriptions of each camp, age requirements, dates, and costs.

Outdoor Adventure Camp!
Who? Ages 13-18 (must have completed 8th grade)
Why? Fun, outdoor activities, career ideas and possible high school credit.
Where? Camp Esther Applegate at Lake of the Woods
When? June 14-20, 2015
Cost? Only $225 —Scholarships Available!
Application deadline is May 1st
Thanks to contributions from Federal, State, County and Private Organizations, we are able to offer this
award-winning program (which includes food and lodging) at this substantially reduced fee. For more information and pictures, visit our website at
Applications can be downloaded from there or contact Cheyne Rossbach, Rap Camp Coordinator at 541-579-0648