Field Trips and Club Projects

AHS Robotics Established in 2009

Help make more trips like these possible!

Work for a company in the Rogue Valley? Reach out!

Our team is always on the hunt for ways to give back to the community that supports us.

Follow our Team on Social Media

To see more photos and videos of our Team and the projects and trips we do, check out our pages on Instagram and Facebook!

Simultaneous dinner fundraiser and 8th grade fair (Spring 2024)

Tour of NIC Industries in White City (Spring 2024)

Guest Exhibit @ the Helman Science Fair (Spring 2023)

Kickoff @ Science Works Hands on Museum (Winter 2023)

AHS Homecoming Parade (Fall 2022)

F.R.C. Worlds in Texas (Spring 2019)

Festival of Lights (Winter 2019)