Volunteer Opportunities
To become a volunteer at AHS you may first need to complete the volunteer registration through the district, follow the link below to learn more.
With continued budget cuts, AHS can use your help more than ever. Parent volunteers fill the gaps in numerous places on campus, from mailing out the monthly newsletter and chaperoning dances to coordinating large scale events. Many students are concerned about the possibility of having their parents on campus, however most needs are very low profile.
CLICK HERE for the AHS VIP Sign up Form
Arts Advocates
AHAA! Ashland High Arts Advocates supports the Arts
Site Council
To benefit our students, the mission of the Ashland High School Site Council is to:
Improve communication throughout the community
Make decisions that promote staff development
Provide leadership for school improvement
Members include parents, students, community members, AHS staff and Administration, each to represent their peers. Site councils operate through collaboration and consensus building.
If you would like to be part of the school site council, please contact us at: AHSsitecouncil@ashland.k12.or.us