Exchange, Summer Programs, and Community Service
Exchange Programs
Community Service
Summer Programs
Exchange Programs
A student exchange program is a program in which students from a secondary school or university study abroad at one of their institution's partner institutions. A student exchange program may involve international travel, but does not necessarily require the student to study outside their home country.
Exchange Student Requirements
To gain admission as an exchange student, the following criteria must be met:
The student must be enrolled in a Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET) approved program or have an adult sponsor who is a permanent resident within the Ashland School District boundaries. (See next page for additional requirements for students who do NOT come through a CSIET approved program).
We only guarantee placements to organizations or resident adult sponsor that have secured a host family and exchange student by the end of June for the coming school year. Placement requests made after July 1st will be considered based on availability of classes.
The student will be enrolled full-time at AHS for the entire school year, no more or less than that, arriving on campus no later than the Friday before school starts to register. The exchange organization or resident adult sponsor will provide all necessary records before school starts. This includes a birth certificate or passport and documentation of current immunizations.
There must be a local representative from the exchange student organization or resident adult sponsor who is responsible for all aspects of the student's life outside of school.
The student will be hosted by a family that resides in Ashland School District boundary.
In the event of behavioral or academic problems involving the student, the exchange company representative or resident adult sponsor agrees to be readily available to be actively involved in resolving the issue.
The representing agency or resident adult sponsor will ensure that the exchange student has English language skills that will enable them to do grade level work in AHS classes. The student needs to possess English language skills in speaking, reading, and writing that will enable them to be enrolled and participate in classes offered at AHS, with minimal accommodations. AHS administration, rather than the agency or adult sponsor, will have final authority to determine appropriate classes for individual students.
If the student is planning to take a math class, they will take a math placement test upon arrival on campus and enroll at the level recommended by math department chair person.
AHS has no requirements for which classes an exchange student must take. The student and their family are responsible for checking with their home school to determine what, if anything, is required of them regarding credits they need to earn. The student may request courses at AHS but should have an understanding that it is possible that they may not get all of their choices due to staff judgment regarding appropriate placement or lack of space. An exchange student should have an understanding that earning an Ashland High School diploma during their year as a guest at our school is not an option. If the student is the equivalent age of a senior, they are eligible to participate in the graduation ceremony and receive an honorary diploma.
The school must submit a completed US Immigration Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVIS) I-20 application form in order for the family to apply for an F-1 visa. As required by SEVIS, a full year of tuition in the amount of $7000 must be received by Ashland School District before the I-20 application can be submitted to the US Department of State on behalf of the prospective student.
Oregon ImmunizationRequirements
5 doses of Diptheria/Tetanus/Pertussis (Dtap, Tdap,Td)
1 Tdap booster after age 10
4 doses of polio (IPV or OPV)
Chickenpox disease Date or the varicella vaccine (VZV or VAR)
2 doses of Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR)
3 doses of Hepatitis B (Hep B)
On the Oregon Certificate of Immunization Status form fill in the month/day/year that your child received each dose of vaccine. Doses must be listed in the order received. The parent or guardian signature and date represents a sworn statement that the child's record is accurate. All foreign exchange students are required to have all of their immunizations and the form filled out before attending the first day of school.
Francisco Atanes
Athletics & Activities Director
Francisco.Atanes@ashland.k12.or.usAvailable Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm.
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm.
Meeting by appointment during office hours.
Contact via email, phone, or Teams to schedule an appointment.
Rotary International Exchange
Community Service
All students must complete 100 hours of community service; only up to 50 hours may be paid hours such as employment. Students need to turn in a community service hours form in the main office for records.
Summer Programs
Summer learning programs are available in just about every area of study. Taking part in a summer program is also a plus on college applications.
Summer Programs
Lomakatsi Restoration Project (Ashland Watershed Youth Training & Employment Program)
Lomakatsi Restoration Project is once again inviting local junior and seniors to gain summer employment, hands-on workforce training, and educational experiences in ecosystem management through the Ashland Watershed Youth Training & Employment Program.
For more information, Click Here (English) Click Here (Español)
Applications available here.
We have many summer opportunities for High School students, some for college credit. We also offer College Prep Institute specifically for high school students ages 14-18.
Rotary's Youth Leadership Academy
The Rotary Youth Leadership Academy, a six-day SUMMER LEADERSHIP CAMP put on by Rotary International, a service organization that helps people in our community and internationally. Camp consists of 144 high school students, 24 college counselors, as well as facilitators and Rotarians. Students learn about leadership, organization, teamwork, and how to make presentations. There are many opportunities for FUN, including outdoor challenge activities, campfires and skits!
Ashland Parks Youth Conservation Corps
Spend a week this summer participating in restoration and riparian work in Ashland's parks and trails.
United World College (UWC) is a private high school consortium with 15 campuses around the globe. Each campus has students from many countries. The purpose of the school is to bring peace and sustainability through education. The students spend much of their time in the wilderness, learning a curriculum called Constructive Engagement of Conflict, and doing service learning in the local community.
AHS Summer Outdoor Program (SOP)
Summer Outdoor Program, wilderness backpacking, applications are available in the front office. This summer program offers 1 school credit for your participation in a 9-day backpacking trek and accompanying preparations and clean up. As an SOP participant you will learn to live in the back-country, evaluate your relationship with the environment, get in good shape and make new friends. Expect the program to challenge you mentally, physically, and emotionally and be exhilarating! You will have plenty of opportunity to learn about yourself and wild places.Three trips are available for this summer. We encourage alumni to spread the word and to reapply for another great experience. The programs have a limited number of spots, so please get your applications in ASAP! Program contacts, applications, and more information are available at the front office.
ScienceWorks Summer Internship Program
Do you like science? Enjoy working with kids? Science Works is offering a limited number of summer internships for students, ages 14 and older, who are interested in science, developing new skills that can be applied personally and professionally, having fun and giving back to the community.
Assist with a summer day-camp for kids ages 4-12
Lead hands-on activities in the museum
Gain experience in science and education
Complete 50 community service hours and get a letter of recommendation
Summer Enrichment
Summer School Credit Retrieval and Math Support (details available mid-May)
AHS Summer School, June 17-July 5
AHS Summer Math Support Program, June 17-July 5
SOU - or (541) 552-8582
Impact Leadership Workshop, July 29-August 3, 12-3:00 ($75-$159)
Young Artists Institute, July 14-21, residential, 4 focal areas: Poetry, Visual Arts, Creative Writing, Theater ($1,300 with 50% scholarships), deadline extended to May 8
Pre College Youth Programs (up to 15 year olds can attend with waiver), throughout summer
Konaway Native American Youth Academy, July 13-20, residential ($50-75)
Academia Latina, July 28-August 3, residential ($75)
Siskiyou Outdoor Program -
Student Conservation Association -
Inner Guide Expeditions-
Camp Unalayee, scholarships available-
Rogue Girls Fire Cam-p 541-774-2320
Ashland Library Summer Events -
PrayerFarm, 10 day residential, scholarships available-
Children’s Theatre, Teen Improv Mystery Theater-
(541) 414-8676Camelot Theatre Co.- (541)535-5250
Le Cirque - (541)301-6804
Levity Dance - (541)301-9685
Volunteer/Community Service/Senior Project Possibilities
YMCA Summer Camp Counselors
(541) 482-9622
Parks and Recreation - waitlist only (541) 552-2264
SOU Academy Counselors-
Jackson County Humane-
Habitat for Humanit-y
Summer Employment
Lomakatsi Restoration Project June 24-July 23 (4 days/week, $12/hour)