Innovation Committee
The charge of the Ashland School District Innovation Committee is to gather information and advise the Board of Education on ideas and possible solutions regarding some of the most pressing issues facing the Ashland School District.
The Ashland School District, like school districts everywhere, needs to do more with less, and a separate funding stream to support the potential outcomes of this work does not exist at this time. The district does not have a stable means of generating new revenue so solutions may require a redistribution of resources, obtaining outside funding, and other creative approaches to fulfilling needs with a declining budget.
While the impact of the COVID pandemic has been extraordinarily challenging for K-12 education, the necessity of a quick pivot to online learning and then to hybrid learning has left the district with additional educational tools and approaches that could be used to build in flexibility for students and staff. Because these “lessons learned” are still relatively fresh, ideally, the Ashland School District would incorporate them into educational processes.