Getting Started
After the first week of being in the Grizzly Online Academy (GOA) Program, the GOA Mentor/Advisor will reach out to the student/family to set up weekly check in meetings. Meetings can happen in person, over zoom or over the phone. Parents and guardians are welcome to attend these meetings at any time but are not required.
The meetings will take between 10-15 minutes and will be for the purpose of checking academic progress and providing support and mentorship to the GOA student and family. The GOA Mentor/Advisor will continue to support, advocate and encourage GOA students and families throughout the semester to ensure academic success and to encourage social/emotional wellbeing.
If you are a GOA senior and are not taking your College and Career Readiness (CCR) course in person, you will be enrolled in an online CCR Course. GOA seniors who are completing their CCR online will be working with the GOA Program Lead as their CCR instructor. To complete their online CCR credit requirement, GOA seniors will need to complete an online career readiness class, meet with the GOA Mentor/Advisor each week and attend the College Readiness Zoom sessions with Jen Marsden. The GOA Program Lead will coordinate these sessions and notify GOA seniors when they are taking place.
GOA Attendance is taken retroactively which means the Program Lead checks to see if students have logged into their online courses the previous day(s). Attendance is then entered into the Power School system. Students who are too sick to login and work in their online classes will need to be officially reported as an excused absence through the school’s attendance office.
Towards the end of the semester, the GOA Mentor/Advisor will reach out to the students and parent/guardians to find out if the student wants to continue in the GOA Program or change their educational placement. Students may switch back to in person classes at the end of the term. Participation in the GOA requires a semester commitment.
Students and families will also be expected to review, follow and sign the Grizzly Online Academy Student/Family/Guardian Contract.
You can find the GOA Contract here: GOA Contract PDF